Happy Easter 2024!

Best Easter wishes to all friends of the forest and our YPEF competition!
The international contest
Best Easter wishes to all friends of the forest and our YPEF competition!
In the spring of 2023, the Estonian national stage of the Young People in European Forests took place. The stage consisted of two parts: the preliminary round and the final. More than 235 teams and 650 young students from all over Estonia participated in the preliminary round where they had to answer to 50 forestry… Continue Reading YPEF 2023 Estonian National Stage
Dear All! on behalf of the Forest’s Friends Society (TPL) and the Faculty of Forestry of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, we invite you to participate in the 2023 edition of YPEF International Competition “Young People in European Forests”. Our competition this year will not have an international final due war in… Continue Reading Polish National Stage YPEF 2023
First UK ‘Young People in European Forests’ Award Winners!A High School team from Edinburgh has been named the first ever overall UK winner of the Young People in European Forests (YPEF) awards with a heart-warming video on Forestry in Scotland. More info can be found here: link.
Ladies and Gentlemen,the Polish national committee of YPEF, after a break forced by unforeseen circumstances, has evaluated all the submitted works. We apologise for this delay. As last year, we are impressed by the level of your entries, which this year were exclusively multimedia shows. Particularly appreciated by the committee were those works which contained… Continue Reading Results of Polish National Stage YPEF 2022
FELHÍVÁS Az Országos Erdészeti Egyesület és az “Young People in European Forests” (YPEF) Nemzeti Versenybizottság tanulmányi versenyt hirdet Fiatalok Az Európai Erdőkben – 2022 címmel. Európa, mint kontinens, ezen belül az Európai Unió és a nem uniós országok rendkívül változatos természeti és gazdasági környezettel rendelkeznek. E változatos környezet meghatározó eleme az erdő, annak jellegzetes megjelenésével,… Continue Reading Hungarian National Stage YPEF 2022